
Medical Applications of Ozone - The Official Position

The Facts: In 1976, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) strangely declared ozone a toxic gas with no medical use. Does the evidence warrant such an opinion? With so much suffering going on, why would they mysteriously stand rigidly opposed to beneficial truth? Ozone is a natural substance, like air and sunshine. Medical and naturopathic ozone is a mixture of pure oxygen...

On by Blake Miller 0 Comments

What are Ozone Steam Saunas Good For??

On top of purifying our drinking water with Ozone, why not try sitting in an ozone sauna? There are two types of ozone steam sauna units available for the home;...

On by Blake Miller 0 Comments

What Causes Candida Infections?

What Causes Candida Infections? There are many possible causes of candida including a diet high in sugar, refined carbohydrates and alcohol that help yeast to grow. To add to that, I’ve described six other potential causes below. 1. Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics Sometimes, antibiotics are needed to fight a stubborn infection to kill the offending bacteria in your system. The problem with antibiotics and...

On by Blake Miller 0 Comments

Effects of Ozone on Humans

Ozone stimulates the production of white blood cells These cells protect the body from viruses, bacteria, fungi, and cancer. When cells are deprived of oxygen, they malfunction. Ozone raises the oxygen level in the blood for long periods of time; allergies become desensitized. What are interferons? Interferons are globular proteins that warn adjacent healthy cells of likelihood infection and inhibit viral replication....

On by Blake Miller 0 Comments

Thyroid and Iodine

IODINE THERAPY - IODINE THE UNIVERSAL MEDICINE Iodine deficient humans suffer from physical, neurological, mental, immune and reproductive disease. Iodine is concentrated firstly in the thyroid tissue and after that mostly in reproductive tissue. Iodine plays a crucial role in the body’s elimination system by inducing apoptosis, or what is called programmed cell death. This is vital because this process is vital...

On by Blake Miller 0 Comments

Blood change in 5 minutes with Ozone Drops!

Most humans need 50 percent more oxygen than they get for optimal functioning and health, according to a 2009 report by Bio-Tech News. Some proponents believe stabilized oxygen molecules in liquid supplements can replenish your oxygen supply and promote the efficient metabolism and increased energy needed for maintaining a healthy weight and active lifestyle. At the end of this blog, check out...

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