Medical Ozone Articles

FREE RADICAL PATHOLOGY Excerpted from “Chelation Therapy”

From the beginning of time, man has searched for a way to regain youth and retard aging. Countless cures, remedies and potions have come along, each promising to be the real thing. Medical doctors have searched for an answer as to why people age and why the degenerative diseases take such a toll. The free radical theory attempts to explain these problems....

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In the mid-1950s, Dr. Denham Harman of the University of Nebraska theorized that free radicals are an important cause of aging at the cellular level. This is believed to happen through a process called cross-linkage, a chemical reaction that locks up the outer atomic shells of collagen. The cause of cross-linkage is thought to be the tendency of free radicals to bind...

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OXIDATION – Dr. William Turska, 1951

Health is dependent almost entirely upon a pure, healthy blood and general humoral circulation. Every organ, nerve, tissue and cell depends on vital blood and humoral fluid for nourishment and elimination of wastes. When these vital fluids are impaired, the system begins a general degeneration and alteration from the norm. The object of respiration is to bring atmospheric oxygen in close relationship...

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OZONE THERAPY - Fritz Schellander

Medical ozone therapy is quite new to Britain and only practiced by a very few doctors. It is used only somewhat more in the US but in Europe, especially Germany, more than 7,000 doctors use it daily.  The different modes of action of ozone on a living organism are now well understood and involve the production of peroxides. The peroxides are responsible...

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Virtually every patient’s room in a modern hospital is equipped for the administration of oxygen. Every emergency room is required by law to have the same equipment. Deep breathing exercises are prescribed for patients with lung problems and for persons recovering from surgery. The narrow applications of these techniques is very unfortunate. They should be routine for every person. The average person...

On by Blake Miller 0 Comments

THE HEALING CRISIS – exerpt from ‘Alive’ magazine

A healing crisis is in effect when the body is in the process of eliminating toxins. Reactions may be mild or they may be severe. One should expect this and work toward it. The body’s inherent desire is perfect health and we have the ability to earn our way back to that state. To do so, the body must go through an...

On by Blake Miller 0 Comments


It was the work of Louis Pasteur, Edward Jenner, Rudolph Virchow, Robert Koch, Paul Ehrlich and Emil von Behring that brought about the theory of wide-spread immunization, based upon the idea of producing antibodies in the blood to ‘help out’ the body’s immune system to identify and attack ‘invading germs.’ Through the work of Antoine Bechamp, William F. Koch, Royal Rife, Gunther...

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